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a masculine man. Split lighting Windows Swirly bokeh ball. Palace of Versailles Indoors Hall of Mirrors Gilded architecture Framing Surrounded by ornate furnishings Controlled lighting shot on Nikon Z6 Nikon Z 85mm f/1.8 S F/2.8, 1/125s, ISO 100, in style of Petter Hegre --tiled_upscale BREAK BREAK ohwx man wearing an expensive fine suit <lora:749183:1>
Negative: anime, cartoon, graphic, text, painting, crayon, graphite, abstract, glitch, deformed, mutated, ugly, long neck, disfigured, fused lips, (navel, exposed midriff)
Scale: 3.0
Steps: 20
Size: 768x1024
Tiled upscale
Face swap
Inpaint Faces
Inpaint Faces
Model type: sdxl1


fashion photography, (full body shot:1.1), pale skin beautiful woman Purple mockneck Statement necklace Vivid violet Split lighting Windows Swirly bokeh ball. Palace of Versailles Indoors Hall of Mirrors Gilded architecture Framing Surrounded by ornate furnishings Controlled lighting shot on Nikon Z6 Nikon Z 85mm f/1.8 S F/2.8, 1/125s, ISO 100, in style of Petter Hegre BREAK BREAK beautiful ohwx woman Purple mockneck (dress:1.4) Statement necklace Vivid violet <lora:719506:1>
Negative: anime, cartoon, graphic, text, painting, crayon, graphite, abstract, glitch, deformed, mutated, ugly, long neck, disfigured, fused lips, (navel, exposed midriff) (((plunging neckline))) ((cleavage)) BREAK BREAK
Scale: 7.0
Steps: 40
Size: 768x1152
Face swap
Inpaint Faces
Inpaint Faces
Model type: sdxl1


cinematic photo long shot portrait of a (White) ivory mechanical warmachine (with beautiful blonde women inside) with (gold) and (black) on a scifi battlefield,high details,sci-fi,subsurface scattering,hyper realistic,concept art,illustration,extremely detailed,extremely intricate,extremely sharp lines,sharp focus,fascinating,4k,8k,smooth,masterpiece,award-winning,art by jim lee,art by wlop,full body shot,. 35mm photograph,film,bokeh,professional,4k,highly detailed BREAK BREAK ohwx woman ivory mechanical warmachine with (gold) and (black) by jim lee,art by wlop <lora:719506:1>
Negative: (worst quality,low resolution,bad hands),distorted,twisted,watermark,BadDream BREAK BREAK
Scale: 2.0
Seed: 1943018118
Steps: 9
Size: 768x1152
Face Correct
Face swap
Inpaint Faces
Inpaint Faces
Model type: sdxl1


Mystical Spirit Wanderer :: amethyst eyes, opalescent robes with cosmos patterns, indigo-teal-violet clothing with gold and silver threadwork, turquoise glowing pendant :: dreamlike realm with floating islands and abstract flora, Yayoi Kusama-inspired bold polka dots and swirling patterns, surrealism-anime-psychedelic fusion BREAK BREAK ohwx woman opalescent robes with cosmos patterns, indigo-teal-violet clothing with gold and silver threadwork, turquoise glowing pendant <lora:719506:1>
Negative: gaussian noise worst quality bad art deformed disfigured low contrast ugly blurry rough draft boring plain simple fake muddy visuals excessive realism 3d elements chaotic clutter faint disappearing outlines dull lifeless colors traditional uninspired illustration blur poorly lit bad shadow grayscale bw oversaturated undersaturated jpeg artifacts pixelated color fringing overprocessed
Scale: 3.5
Steps: 30
Size: 768x1152
Face swap
Inpaint Faces
Inpaint Faces
Model type: sdxl1


by Clarice Beckett, (latex , star wars style but extremely beautiful:1.4), (intricate details, masterpiece, best quality:1.4) , Star wars movie style, movie still, dynamic, highly detailed, reminiscent of Star wars movies, , looking at viewer, wearing a white and golden mini dress BREAK BREAK ohwx woman (latex, star wars style but extremely beautiful:1.4), wearing a white and golden mini dress <lora:719506:1>
Negative: (worst quality, greyscale), watermark, username, signature, text, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, jpeg artifacts, bad feet, extra fingers, mutated hands, poorly drawn hands, bad proportions, extra limbs, disfigured, bad anatomy, gross proportions, malformed limbs, missing arms, missing legs, extra arms, extra legs, mutated hands, fused fingers, too many fingers, long neck BREAK BREAK NSFW, nude, lowres, deformed
Scale: 3.0
Seed: 44
Steps: 20
Size: 1024x1024
Face Correct
Face swap
Inpaint Faces
Inpaint Faces
Model type: sdxl1